Nick Stuyt
2010-11-21 04:25:55 UTC
We have Proliant DL series systems - some with EMC SAN cards installed
and some without.
I've been investigating clonezilla and find that it works great with the
non-SAN systems but spins continuously on the SAN presented disks of a
SAN capable system.
By spin I mean it complains about sd<letter-a> for a while then starts
with complaints about sd<letter-b> and then goes onto the next letter.
There are even Call Traces mixed in with the verbose messages so I
assume some crashing is happening as well.
I never reach a prompt.
I'd like to know if there is a way to tell clonezilla to ignore or
exclude these SAN presented devices.
I suppose that may involve customizing a clonezilla iso of my own (not
attempted this yet) but I have not yet found a kernel option that looks
an "exclusion or ignore" option.
Thank you very much,
We have Proliant DL series systems - some with EMC SAN cards installed
and some without.
I've been investigating clonezilla and find that it works great with the
non-SAN systems but spins continuously on the SAN presented disks of a
SAN capable system.
By spin I mean it complains about sd<letter-a> for a while then starts
with complaints about sd<letter-b> and then goes onto the next letter.
There are even Call Traces mixed in with the verbose messages so I
assume some crashing is happening as well.
I never reach a prompt.
I'd like to know if there is a way to tell clonezilla to ignore or
exclude these SAN presented devices.
I suppose that may involve customizing a clonezilla iso of my own (not
attempted this yet) but I have not yet found a kernel option that looks
an "exclusion or ignore" option.
Thank you very much,